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Chapters for this volume, along with copies of original in-text images, are available here.
Object type: Incomplete grave-cover, in two pieces
a: L. 57.5 cm (22.5 in) W. Built in
D. 30 cm (11.75 in)
L. 49 cm (19.25 in) W. Built in
D. 28 > 23 cm (11 > 9 in)
Stone type: [Ancaster Freestone, Upper Lincolnshire Limestone, Inferior Oolite Group]
Plate numbers in printed volume: Fig. 9; Ills. 8–9
Corpus volume reference: Vol 5 p. 96
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Two non-conjoining pieces from the same flat-topped, chest-like, grave-cover of mid-Kesteven type. Their appearance, workmanship and decoration are very similar. In all likelihood they come from either end of the same side of the cover, which tapered slightly in a manner common to this monument type. Their very limited weathering tends to confirm their location on a monument of this type. Only one face of each piece is visible, decorated in low relief.
B (long): Stone 2a. Two panels filled with interlace with a single incised medial line. The panels are separated by a double-cabled border making effectively a vertical chevron band. The interlace in the complete vertical panel is in the form of motif i (Fig. 10). The second panel is truncated by the broken edge of the stone: what survives is motif vii, but this is presumably only the end of a run of symmetrical interlace forming a long central panel. The borders are broad and plain: they are of unequal widths, the broader being the lower edge of the cover or plinth. There is a wide undecorated space between the interlace and the end of the stone.
Stone 2b. Broken at both ends. In close similarity to 2a there are two panels filled with interlace with a single incised medial line, that are separated by a double cabled border or vertical chevron band. In the complete panel the interlace is in motif ii. The second panel is truncated by the stone's broken end: what survives is again motif vii in mirror image to that on 2a. The borders are broad and plain and slightly asymmetrical.
Both the style and design and the layout of the surviving decoration make it certain that these pieces come from the same large cover of mid-Kesteven type (see discussion in Chapter V and Fig. 9). Motif i is also found in this group on examples at Bassingham 1, Burton Pedwardine2 and Humberston; motif ii at Eagle, Hougham and Kirkby Laythorpe; motif vii at Bassingham 1 and Fulbeck. A symmetrical run of interlace centring on a bull's head (Fig. 11) is characteristic of the deep central side panels of this monument type, as at Creeton 7 and Hougham. The mirroring of the pattern therefore confirms that the exposed surfaces of the pieces are from either end of the cover's side. A further stone is therefore missing (probably of approximately similar dimension) with a central bull's head and symmetrical interlace. Even the motifs (i and ii) of the separate end panels differ only in their adjustment to the slightly different shape of panels at either end of a tapering space.